Announcing Swords of Chult - January 9!

On January 9, Swords of Chult arrives to Neverwinter on Xbox One and PlayStation®4! This release brings a new endgame Skirmish, an overhaul of the PvP system, and a focus on quality of life updates. The Dangers found within the jungles of Chult now threaten the walled city of Port Nyanzaru in the all-new endgame Skirmish “The Merchant Prince’s Folly”. Players must rally to eliminate ferocious dinosaurs, yuan-ti, the undead, and bands of Batiri goblin! Changes to stats, PvP gearing, and more bring an updated experience to Neverwinter PvP. Additional focus on the refinement system, dungeon queuing and campaign progression for alts offer something for both seasoned and new adventurers in Neverwinter!
As “b” module the update is low on story and content additions and focuses on reworks and quality-of-life upgrades. It enhances inventory management, brings changes to PVP and make it easier for alts to progress in campaigns thanks to a new Patronage System. Are you excited about the release on consoles or do particular features concern you? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
One Merchant Prince’s Folly is Another Man’s Profit

Port Nyanzaru is known for its ability to survive any assault or skirmish that comes its way. However, that does not mean it comes away unscathed. As the beasts and creatures of the jungles send their all to take Port Nyanzaru, only the most formidable defenders will be able to send them fleeing back into the jungles. In the rush and havoc of battle, the Batiri and yuan-ti alike tend to lose valuable items and even powerful artifacts. Rumors have it that the grave masters and yuan-ti carry with them ancient Skull Lord staffs, artifacts said to have been lost to time.

After a skirmish, the more confused and docile dinosaurs and Batiri mounts are left in the dust to be claimed and tamed by the citizens. Mounts aren’t the only things the Batiri leave behind. Known to desert their weaker brethren, it is no surprise to find Batiri mindlessly wondering the streets after an attack. These little guys are quick to find new allies and even make acceptable guides and valuable companions to those that traverse the jungles.