"honour is a fool prize"
Oathbound Paladin
The Oathbound Paladin is Neverwinter's eighth class, introduced in Module 6: Elemental Evil. Class Mechanic - Divine Call by activating Divine Call consumes a charge of Divine Energy and generates an effect based upon your Oath. Before you reach level 30, your Divine Call will taunt foes and Heal allies within a small radius.
If you choose an Oath of Protection, your Divine Call will taunt foes in a small radius while increasing your Damage Resistance. Constitution is the Oathbound Paladin's primary Ability Score. Charisma and Wisdom are secondary. You also reflect a percentage of incoming damage back at the attacker while the effect is active. If you chosen Oath of Devotion, you’re Divine Call will unleash a burst of Healing. Subsequent casts of this within 10 seconds will heal for 50% more.

Oath of Devotion

Oath of Protection