"honour is a fool prize"
Devoted Cleric
Devoted Clerics primarily focus on healing and buffing allies. Because of the cleric's role as a leader, they possess more healing than any other class. Clerics can also grant stat boosts, temporary hit points, haste, and other buffs to themselves and their allies. Their ability to snare and push opponents gives them the secondary role of controller. They wield holy symbols and are capable of turning the tide of any battle with a single spell. The cleric wears chain armor.
Activating your Class Mechanic allows you to channel divine power, replacing your normal At-Wills with divine powers of damage and healing. While Channel Divinity is active, your Encounter powers are strengthened by Divinity and gain enhanced effects. Encounters used in this way require one Divine Symbol worth of Divine Power and grant a stack of Empowered. Understanding the effects of all three for each of your powers is vital to your role as a Devoted Cleric.

Divine Oracle

Anointed Champion